U.S. Senate Approves Philip S. Hadji as Judge for Court of Federal Claims
Hadji is the fourth nominee by President Joe Biden confirmed to the court.
By unanimous consent, the U.S. Senate today voted to confirm one individual nominated by President Joe Biden as a federal judge to a speciality court that carries a fifteen year term limit (with each judge having to be renominated and confirmed by the Senate to continue serving afterwards).
In a voice vote, Philip S. Hadji was confirmed as a Judge for the U.S. Court of Federal Claims for a term of fifteen years. He is Biden’s fourth confirmation to the 16-person court, with no additional vacancies at this time. With today's action, the Senate has now confirmed five individuals nominated by Biden to serve as Article I judges.
Hadji assumes the Washington, D.C.-based seat previously held by Lydia Kay Griggsby, who was elevated as a federal judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland in July 2021. A nominee of Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Griggsby served on this court from 2014 to 2021 and remains an active judge in Maryland. Hadji was nominated to this seat on the judiciary by Biden in June 2023.
Since 2011, Hadji has served as a civilian attorney with the Office of the General Counsel at the Department of the Navy. From 2011 to 2016, he was Assistant Counsel at the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command. From 2016 to 2020, he served as Assistant Counsel and Division Director of the Acquisition Integrity Office. From 2020 to 2022, he served as the Deputy Counsel in the District of Columbia Office of the Naval Information Warfare Systems Command. Since October 2022, he has served as Senior Trial Attorney in the Naval Litigation Office.